Friday Favorites 📚🪴14 fun things!

1) Old Enough! Japanese show about tiny kids running errands by themselves -CUTE! It’s on Netflix 2) These bowls are adorable I needed some new bowls, and these just make me happy when I see them stacked in the cupboard 3) Macrame kit …a new fun hobby! 4) Power of moments Inspirational book. Dave and…

Friday Favorites: books and a cute guitar 📚

It’s been a great few weeks for finding excellent books at the library, thrift stores, and an audio book. This post contains affiliate links. Can’t wait to share the good stuff! The Family Dinner by Laurie David. I found this cookbook at a thrift store (Dorcas in Cary…one of the best). I Love love this…

Friday Favorites: spring break edition🌿🚐🌺

My absolute favorite of this week is that my boys came home for break! We have had so much fun. They brought friends too and that’s been so nice. Such sweet kids! The boys left midweek for a few days at the beach. We went to the farmer’s market (got our favorite sour dough bread!),…

Friday Favorites📚🪴🍰🎨

Let’s start with the books… 1//Because He Loves Me is a great book of gospel centered reminders! We are starting it with the girls in our Bible study. 2//Lois Lowry, author of The Giver, wrote a memoir which I loved. The format was so great, she would show a photo from her past and then…

Friday Favorites: Valentine’s, Trader J’s, etc…🥗❤️🍪

First favorite: Valentine’s Day…it’s cheesy, sweet, pink, candy and cookie related, what’s not to love?! Late nite cookie making session.. We had our friends over to help decorate. I promise to share the royal icing recipe! It’s a good one… Dave and I didn’t get a picture on Valentine’s Day …so here’s an old one…

Friday favorites🧣🌺🍊

One: WINTER CLOTHING! Hats, boots, sweaters, LAYERS, jackets, flannels, did I mention layers? Number TWO, going along with number one: flannel shirts under sweaters 3) Cara Cara oranges…sweet and seedless, what more could you want! Also they were from Aldi (another favorite) so they were about 29 cents for a bag 🤣 Can’t compete with…

Friday Favorites: I want my corners!📚🥬👖

Have you tried popcorners yet?! These are our favorite snack hands down…tastes like a cross between popcorn and a rice cake. My favorite flavor is the kettle corn. I would have taken a picture of that bag that we bought 2 days ago / but it’s gone! Reminds me of the story Mom tells of…