From the Archives: rainbows and cake 🌈🍰2018

Someone turned 12 over here! This crazy cake was fun for her to make. And there was some rainbow mac in the house!! ::Rainbow sprinkles and colorful candles:: Happy day, Skye! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ::::::::::: And now for a look back in time! I was looking through past blog posts on food  and found birthday cakes…ooooh good memories! Sweet…

What We Ate Last Week 🌿🍅🫐🍲

We’ve been trying to eat more healthy foods, as there always seems to be too many desserts around here! So I’ve really been trying to plan ahead and get in some good options. My nasturtiums are finally growing! They are so pretty/ the leaves almost more so than the flowers. Since they are edible (the…

The Wedding! 🌻💗🌸✨

Kaylen and James got married on Saturday! Kaylen and James have been like our extra kids for over a year or so. We have seen them go from single, new, baby Christians, to growing and mature engaged couple. It has been fantastic to see God working and doing miracles in their lives. They let me…

Friday Favorites📚🪴🍰🎨

Let’s start with the books… 1//Because He Loves Me is a great book of gospel centered reminders! We are starting it with the girls in our Bible study. 2//Lois Lowry, author of The Giver, wrote a memoir which I loved. The format was so great, she would show a photo from her past and then…

2013 art scene at our house

Looking back at old photos…2013 was a big year for art. It was fun to decorate our homeschool classroom (the bonus room upstairs) There were lots of cakes; rainbow for Skye, angry birds for Wil, painting cakes, and a terrarium for Wes. That was the year Wes planted terrariums for his science project and someone…

Mother’s Day 2020

I want to remember every part of yesterday, so I’ll try and recreate the day here. Dave and the boys went to church to lead the music, and Skye and I stayed home to watch church on tv Skye and I had made our favorite, Hershey bar cake, yesterday. So of course I had some…

Easter Sunday

The table all set! We watched our life group lesson at 9:00 Then I put the ham in the oven and got water ready for the potatoes to boil later Time for church!! Amazing music…worshipful time, inspiring message from the Word. So encouraging! Everyone got treats, including Sadie Time to eat! You can see Wes…

👏🏼💡9 good things 🎉💡

[ONE] Thanksgiving! What’s not to love; friends, family, food 🙂 🧡♥️🦃 [TWO] Jim Gaffigan’s book, Food, A Love Story So funny! [THREE] Sadie’s buns 😉 [FOUR] Jerry’s Artarama- they have free art demonstration classes. Skye and I went for the drawing people demo and wow! We learned so much! Thanks, Jerry’s! Also, you’re smart, we…

updates: cake, sadie, sweater weather

Sadie doesn’t like to wear a sweater. Here she is refusing to look at me while I take her picture 😉 Ok, I finally got her to look at me. She’s happier because she got a cozy spot on top of the clean laundry She spies a cozy spot to sit and she’ll climb on…

Easter and Inside of Cake

I’m so happy with the pictures we took after church on Easter Sunday!! These people are the BEST💙💙💙 The services on Sunday were amazing…I felt like each song and each scripture read were so worshipful and focused on our Dear Lord. I was so thankful to see our friends and family in the Lord singing…