Wes home for weekend and teenage driving

So happy to see our college boy for the weekend! He came home Thursday night, and his friends came later to spend one night at our house. Socks from Gramma and Grampa 🙂 It makes my heart so so happy to meet Wes’ friends and see the kind of people he wants to hang out…

Praying scripture over your family

Romans 12 has been my favorite for awhile. I love lists in scripture, and this chapter lists things to strive for as a Christian and marks of a true Christian. We can’t do any of this without the power of the Holy Spirit! I have written some of these things in my prayer journal and…

5 tips for raising teens

Having teenagers is so much fun! When the kids were toddlers I was terrified of being a mom to teenagers, you hear so many horror stories!! But they really are fun to be with (most of the time ;)) funny, smart, and interesting human beings. I don’t claim to know practically anything about parenting…it’s all…

magic in the everyday

It’s the little moments….lunch out together (when they get their licenses it’s rare to have the whole fam together in one car!) When you have a graduation and college departure looming, it’s the little things that become special The mornings are special because I get to make breakfast for the kids and be with them…


Painting in the spring means using up the green paint ::: Green icing! Dave thinks it should be flavored mint, I think lime….but they were vanilla… Encourage! Green table linens 💚 Trader Joe’s greenery makes me happy I’ve been looking for highlighters for years that aren’t just the regular neon. Skye found these on amazon….


I’ve totally forgotten about posting lately! I’m going to post a few pictures then do a full update later this week. Had to get a photo of us in our flowered dresses ❤️🌺🌼 The older they get, the better they get along! There’s hope, moms!! Us and our old glasses Us and our new glasses…

tiny moments

You go through so many different mothering stages. We are in the stage now where Wes can drive himself wherever he needs to go. Wil is so close to that stage (February!) and also has taken on a lot of responsibility with school, work, church, music…then add in various orthodontist appointments, etc. and what you…

Mothering Articles* I’ve Collected vol. 1 (and some cute stuff)

Teaching your kids to help around the house Diligence When you feel like you’re failing as a parent Raising a different kind of daughter Rethinking the Proverbs 31 standard We are in a really fun stage of parenting…every stage is fun, well I wasn’t the hugest fan of the toddler/potty training stage! Toddlers are precious!…